Regulations and By-laws.

Objects of the society.

The object of the society shall be to encourage the development of pastoral,agricultural and horticultural pursuits,by means of periodical exhibitions,of which prizes,or certificates of merit shall be awarded for superiority in all discriptions of livestock,agricultural,dairying and horticultural products,farming implements and machinery and other manufacturers of this and other states of the commonwealth,and for such handiwork as the committee may deem desirable.In furtherance of the objects of the society, a correspondance and friendly intercourse will be encouraged with kindred societies in the Australian Commonwealth and other countries.




1.At all meetings of the committee or at any other meeting of the society, the chair shall be taken by the president,or,in his absence, the vice president.

2.All matters discussed by the committee shall be decided by the majority of votes of the members present,the chairman having the casting vote.

3.The duties of the secretary shall be to recieve all monies on account of the society,and to hand them to the treasurer within 7 days of receipt,to produce all vouchers or other documents when required, to attend all meeting of committee and members and keep a minute book of the proceedings,to carefully keep and produce when required all correspondance,papers and other documents in connection with the society, and in all matters connected with the society to act according to the instructions of the committee.


4.The duties of the treasurer shall be to deposit all monies recieved on account of the society to the credit of the same in a bank appointed by management.

5.All monies paid on account of the society shall be by cheque of a bank,such cheque to be signed by any two of the president,treasurer or secretary.

6.The annual Subscription to the society sahll be due on the 31st January.


In the event of a protest,any protest should be lodged with the secretary at the secretaries office with a deposit of $50 dollars.Protestes will be considered and delt with by the committee following the show.If a protest is lost, the deposit paid will be forfeited. 

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